Nasi Kucing | Sego Kucing | Favourite Food of Jogjakarta

Nasi Kucing
This is one of favorite culinary if you come to Jogjakarta, we call in Indonesia "Nasi Kucing" or in Javanese "Sego Kucing". If you understand about that phrase, Nasi Kucing it doesn't mean the cat food. Nasi Kucing is not particular menu,  but rather on how the presentation of the rice packages. And what different with the other menu? The main difference is a tiny portion of rice. Hmmm... it seems like fist adult or about 8 until 10 spoons of rice.

Nasi Kucing have several variations of contain. The variations are Nasi Kucing which contain tempe goreng (fried fermented soybean patty) and sambal (chili peppers) ; ikan teri goreng (fried anchovy) and sambal ; or bihun goreng (thin rice noodles) and sambal. So one portion of Nasi Kucing contain rice and one of that variations. Then, rice and that contain wrapped in banana leaves. Although the portion is tiny, you still has the aroma from banana leaf. That's nice!

Nasi Kucing is usually served along with other snacks, like tempe bacem, tahu goreng (fried tofu), sate usus, sate telur puyuh, sate kulit and kerupuk. So if you feel the content is less, then you can take a snack for additional. Nasi Kucing is also usually served with drinks. You can choose a variety of beverages, such as teh manis hangat (sweet tea), es teh manis (sweetened iced tea), jahe panas (hot ginger) or kopi joss (black coffee that entered the hot charcoal in it). And the most spectacular from this favourite food of Jogjakarta is price. One portion of Nasi Kucing is Rp. 1.000 (one thousand Rupiah). And the baverage's price is about Rp 1000 until Rp. 2000, as cheap as Nasi Kucing too. While the snack's price about Rp 500 (five hundred Rupiah) until Rp. 1000 per item. If you want to buy some Nasi Kucing in Jogjakarta, you can find Angkringan  (it seems storefront on the side of the road usually with lights are dim)

Kopi Joss


Rizkyzone said...

wah belum pernah makan sob, baru tau, kok aneh yah, nasi + lauknya daging kucing gt yh sob ? idih ngeri masak daging kucing

jogtrav said...

@rizkyone bukan daging kucing itu sob, tapi emang sebutannya aja nasi kucing, soalnya porsinya dikit :)

Sawawazonline said...

Nasi kucing juga byk di medan,dan rasanya lumayan enak.

Ryan said...

@sawawazonline ohya? apa bedanya sama yg di jogja sob?

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